Color PickerADDON Bootstrap Colorpicker is a modular color picker plugin for Bootstrap
A nifty plugin that lets you select colors on the fly. The color pallet is auto generated or can be configured manually. The selection tool is loaded inside bootstrap's popover component, allowing you to load it from any direction, even on bootstrap modals
Find in-depth, guidelines, tutorials and more on Bootstrap Colorpicker's Official Documentation
Simple usage
Setting initial color
The initial color can be specified in 3 ways: input value, data-color attribute
and programmatically with the color constructor option.
This demo is also showing how to use the input addon component to display the color.
The used initial color has this precedence order when present and not empty: color option, input value, input data-color attribute, colopicker element data-color attribute.
Automatic format detection
option is 'auto', the first parsed color format will be detected and used as default, but when the option equals null (default), the format is recalculated every time. You can see the differences here, one of them allowing you to adjust the alpha channel:
Force format
Disabled / Enabled states
Horizontal mode
Disable alpha channel
option, the alpha bar will be hidden and the color object will be restricted to opaque (alpha = 1).
Add complementary color swatches
Inline containerized mode
Disable hexadecimal hash
Transparent Support
named color support
Use a custom fallback color
option, whenever the given one is invalid
Panel Title
Disable invalid color auto replacement
option is enabled, meaning that
whenever there is an invalid color typed in the input, it will be automatically
replaced by a valid color or the fallback one
Adjust popover options
Modal Example
Customize template